If you want all lists of differences then please refer to the official documentation by navigating to Help > Simulator Help in the simulator menu. Few of them are ARKit, HomeKit, MessageUI, etc There are few frameworks that are also not supported by simulators.Testing some gestures like pinch, swipe is much easier with fingers in comparison to mouse.A simulator can not simulate many sensors, some of them are a camera, Bluetooth, Face ID, and sensors like Proximity, Motion, Gyroscope, accelerometer, and so on. There is a limitation for simulators while using the hardware feature for the application.Also, the architecture upon which the app compile for the simulator and devices are different, for device Xcode uses x86 architecture and for devices, Xcode uses ARM architecture.The simulator uses Mac computing resources. The computing power of the simulator and the devices are different.There are a few differences between running an application on a device and on the simulator. It enables you to simulate apple devices running on current or some legacy OS. It runs on Mac and simulating an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, or Apple Watch environment. Simulators come as a part of the Xcode tool. The simulator allows you to prototype and test builds of your app during the development process.